Throughout the world, millions of people depend on acupuncture to treat pain, illnesses, and other health concerns. At Kersenbrock Chiropractic, our goal is to relieve pain, improve your health, and provide the finest acupuncture in Lake Mary and throughout Central Florida. Tailored to your unique needs, acupuncture treatments are conducted in private rooms by a licensed acupuncturist (Dr. Ben Kersenbrock DC) trained in Traditional Oriental Medicine.
Acupuncture is proven effective by countless research studies and is a great option for treating pain without turning to prescription drugs or surgery. Whether you need acupuncture for back pain, sciatic pain, neck pain, headache, whiplash, knee pain, shoulder pain, arthritis, sports injury, after-surgery care, or any other reason, our acupuncturists at Kersenbrock Chiropractic will design a non-invasive plan to resolve the pain you are experiencing. Using holistic and innovative approaches, our team will help you find relief.
Finding a doctor you trust is an important decision. Our acupuncturists will discuss all of your treatment options and treat you as a person, not just another patient. At Kersenbrock Chiropractic, the patient always comes first.
We serve patients in Lake Mary and surrounding areas. Kersenbrock Chiropractic provides the best acupuncture in Central Florida and has successfully used acupuncture to treat the following conditions:
Kersenbrock Chiropractic is dedicated to providing customized and effective acupuncture treatments for all of our patients. Don’t Suffer or Risk Permanent Injury. Call Today and Start Living a Pain-Free Life
Contact Kersenbrock Chiropractic to request an acupuncture appointment today!
Kersenbrock Chiropractic
760 Currency Circle, Suite A
Lake Mary, FL 32746
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
7:00 am – 5:00 pm
8:00 am – 6:00 pm