Lake Mary Acupuncture: Choose Kersenbrock Chiropractic
In recent years, an increasing number of individuals have abandoned standard medical care in favor of alternative therapies that do not involve operations or pharmaceuticals,
In recent years, an increasing number of individuals have abandoned standard medical care in favor of alternative therapies that do not involve operations or pharmaceuticals,
Chiropractic treatment can do more than just treat back pain. With the right techniques, an experienced and skilled chiropractor can effectively alleviate pain and treat
Did you know that around 65 million Americans have recently experienced back pain? Back pain is one of the most common reasons why people miss
Did you know there are over a 100 different forms of arthritis? Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that affects millions of people, with 3 million
Living in constant pain affects the quality of your life. Whether your pain comes from an old injury, a sedentary lifestyle, or muscular imbalances, the
These days it seems everyone is dealing with increased stress and anxiety. And who wouldn’t be in the midst of a pandemic unlike any seen since
As winter sets in and the holiday rush begins, we often find ourselves managing a constant headache. With no relief in sight, these headaches can
As a whole, our society is very bad at saying “no.” Instead, we say “yes” to everything, over-commit, and exhaust ourselves. Learning to say “no”
There’s nothing more delipidating than a headache. Honestly, they ruin everything. Luckily, there are natural ways to alleviate headaches so you can get back to
For centuries, acupuncture has been used as a component of Eastern medicinal practices. Now, acupuncture has become a vital part of holistic practices worldwide. With
Taking steps to improve your health? Don’t forget sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene is an essential wellness practice when seeking to improve your quality of life. For
Stress is common and manifests itself in many symptoms. The worst part? It can severely affect your health and livelihood. Are you feeling stressed? Acupuncture can help!
Kersenbrock Chiropractic
760 Currency Circle, Suite A
Lake Mary, FL 32746
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
7:00 am – 5:00 pm
8:00 am – 6:00 pm